
Wednesday 22 May 2013

My Fantastic Netball Description!!!

Wow! Today was such ecstatic Netball session with Gina. We were all taught skills like chest passing, shooting, faking/stepping, catching, swift movements and shooter driving to and fro. As Gina was repeating her instructions we were getting ready for another shot. Some people helped but the others just stood there like headless chooks. We had to run to the cone stepped, run to the outside of the circle, receive the ball, turn, pass, and then score!. We all screamed, shouted, and supported each other. We did our demonstrations, and our practices till we went onto our next game. Our last game was also a shooting, and running game. We had to move from one side to the other to get a goal. The teams were the Outlaws vs Bulldogs. We received a number and used it. Gina would call out 2, 3 or 4 numbers and those number of people would have to get a ball from the hoop, pass it to the next person in their team without running with the ball and try to get a score. It was such an amazing game. People were finally supporting each other, cheering for each other, and mostly helping each other. It was the best morning ever and I can’t wait till next week.

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