Today it was our last basketball lesson with coach Steph. We had a warm-up for starters and then we started playing a game to test on our basketball skills. There were two teams competing against eachother. The game was pretty cool and exhausting, too. We had to try and get a goal, both teams. But only one team will win. And our team won, obviously. After that fun game, we were going to play actual basketball. My team verses the other team. Only five people from each team could verse eachother, but we took turns. What I learned was that basketball is not only about winning, it's also about team work. There wasn't really anything difficult about basketball, it's just hard to get peoples attention sometimes. What I liked the most was passing, taking and dribbling the ball. Especially the shooting into the hoop. I really enjoyed my last session of basketball. I know it's my last year at this school and we might not have any more basketball this year, but at least I learnt how to play basketball because I really wasn't good at it before, until now xD
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teachers are Mrs Raj and Mrs Parker.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Sunday, 13 April 2014
✌️Another Fantastic Volleyball Afternoon✌️

On Saturday 12th April, 2014, we had another tedious volleyball game at SONSK8, again. But this time, I was actually joining in and playing with my Samoans. They kept encouraging me to join them at the start, but I said no. I was too afraid because I didn't know how to play volleyball. But, I stopped panicking and I joined in the fun. I was standing there patiently waiting for the ball to come to my direction. It came to me a few times and I managed to hit and it goes flying to another person in my team. My favourite auntie kept encouraging me whenever I hit the ball. She's the best auntie. During the games I've been playing in, I was also told about some rules. 01; focus on the ball. 02; hit the ball correctly. 03; we can only hit the ball 3 times in our teams. I was pretty confused but then I remembered what my teacher had told me, not long ago. "It's cool to be confused". I smiled at the thought of that. I followed those rules and during every game, I got better. I kept thinking "Was it my confusion ? Or am I just good at playing volleyball ?" I kept asking myself those questions, yet, still confused. I really enjoyed playing volleyball with my Samoans. I sincerely can't wait when it comes to next week ! I sure will be on that court playing with pride !
Saturday, 12 April 2014
✌️My Fun Volleyball Afternoon✌️

Thursday, 10 April 2014
♔ Our Long Bay Trip ♔

On Monday the 7th of April, 2014, rooms 9 & 10 went aaaaalllll the way up North to go to a beautiful beach, Long Bay. We went there to learn about what to do when we are in the wild and how we do things. As the bus driver dropped us off at the beach, a lady who turned out to be Sarah, led us to a little fale where three other instructors were. There was Sarah, Morag, James and another Sarah. There were three different activities we had to do. We were also put into three different groups. My groups first activity was with Sarah. We were learning how to pitch tents and cook sausages, camping style c: She took our group while the other groups went with their instructors. First, we had to get the instructions off her to start pitching and cooking. We started off with the pitching. We were split into three groups. My group and I started pitching our tent and tried to beat the other groups. And happily, we beat them at pitching it and taking it down, putting them neatly back in the bag. Secondly, we started cooking our sausages. My partner was my friend, Eseki. She and I had a sausage each and we cooked them on a pan. We were told what to do BEFORE we had to start cooking our sausages. When she finished explaining EVERYTHING, we started frying our sausages. We sat in somewhat we call a 'circle' with frying pans for every partner. It didn't take that long for our sausages to be cooked. It only took like 10 minutes for it to cook and then we eat it. When my partner and I's sausages were cooked we ate them with bread and tomato sauce. It was definitely delicious !
The next activity we did was the stretches with Morag. Stretches are something we use to help someone with an injury when we are hiking in the wild. But first, we had to remember what we need. Like a whistle, hat, rain jacket, first aid and a lot more. We had relays at first, we had to run down to the other end and grab one thing from the box that we need when we are in the wild. It was really crack up because whenever I ran, I always ended up doing a little trip. We kept on doing that until we actually got the chance to make stretches with long, thick sticks and a few warm, strong sweaters. There were two groups and we had to work on our own, how to make the stretches. But we got some help from our instructor and our group teacher. We worked, worked and worked to try and make it 'till we finally did it. When it was properly made, we started carrying people one by one on the stretcher and act like they had an injury that we are trying to save. Everyone had a turn, especially our teacher AND instructor. It was hilarious !
After that activity, we had lunch back in the fale. We met everyone else there with food gripped in their hands and putting it in their mouth like there life depended on it. I ate 'till I was full when it came to last 40 minutes that we had. During that 40 minutes, my group went on a bush walk with James. When we met him, he told us that he was pretty much ... lazy. So, WE had to do all the work with a little bit of his help. We took our maps and discussed which way the leader will take us and I was the first leader. I made my first steps and we headed up to where the water was. We had to stop there, and James told me to choose a different person to be the new leader. I chose Eseki. She led us to where she wanted us to go. We went almost to the top of the mountain we were on. But, during that walk, different people has been having turns being the leader. I really enjoyed that walk. I learnt about different islands that we saw during the walk. We also saw the Rangitoto island during the walk, too. It was really fun !
Finally, it came to the very last minute of our trip. That was when we had to go back to school and head home. We sang a little song before we left and said our goodbyes. I was really fascinated with the views I saw. It was really beautiful. I felt free, again. I also learnt how to make really steady stretches, how to pitch a tent properly, how to cook sausages and how to read a map when you are going somewhere far. I really enjoyed that day and I hope we get to go there again c:
Monday, 7 April 2014
❤ Our FabuLOUIS Trip To The Auckland Zoo ❤
On Friday 4th of April, 2014, rooms 7, 9 & 10 went on a fantastic trip to the Auckland Zoo. The whole purpose of this was to learn about the native birds, trees and animals. When we arrived there in the bus, we met three unique instructors. Each instructor took us to different parts of the zoo. The first part of the zoo we went to was the habitat of the Kea bird. Where they stayed and breeded for living. As we made our way through this really funny entrance, we saw a few Keas. Our instructor, John, told us to be very still when we walk in so that the Keas can maybe come up close to us and communicate with us in some way :p When I first walked in, I stood there like how Lady Liberty stands in the middle of some place in New York. I really wanted one of the Keas to come up to me and play with me. But sadly, it didn't ... [[sad face]] :( Anyway, at least I actually went to the zoo because it was my first time and it was amaZAYN, see what I did there ? Smart, huh ? But all we did was play statues, took photos [[selfies]] and enjoyed ourselves.
After that brilLIAM time looking at the pretty, big Keas, we went with our next instructor who took us to the forest where all different kinds of birds lived. Like the kaka bird, the kakariki, the wood pigeon and so much more (that I forgot). We walked along the paths and spotted some native New Zealand plants and trees that we have been learning about. There was the kawakawa, the nikau tree and I think the kauri tree ? Oh my gawd ! I have really bad memory. But I had fun and that was that ... nah, just kidding !
Well, after THAT trip to the forest, we went to the NIGHT FOREST ! In the night forest, there lived the kiwi. If you haven't heard, but the kiwi is on the edge of getting extinct. Such as the orangutans. But I'm here to talk about the kiwi ! Anywho, it's actually pretty obvious that it was dark in there because it's called the 'night forest'. Before we even laid a foot in the night forest, our instructor told us that it may take about 2 minutes for your eyes to get used to the darkness and that to always focus your eyes on the back of the habitat of the kiwi for any sudden movement. So, in the night forest you can't really spot the kiwis because of how dark it is. I only spotted two gorgeous kiwis eating something. I couldn't really see it, but, it was something. Our instructor didn't only talk to us about the night forest but, he also talked to us about the eel (tuna). I also learnt that when the female eel needs to lay its eggs, it swims all the way to the ocean of Tonga just to lay the eggs and then swim back to live with its own parents. Weird ... right ? But everything and everyone is different.
Next, we had our morning tea with the rest of the famz. We talked with our mates and ate our lunch and talked with our mates 'cause that's just how we do it ! Glenbrae school, though. Buuuuuuuuut, after that, came my favourite part ... EXPLORING THE AUCKLAND ZOO ! I went with my group and we walked around looking at different kinds of animals, like the giraffes, hippos, zebras, American alligators, lemurs, lions, orangutans and so much more (that I forgot, again)
But, when it came to the sad part [[sad face]] when we had to go home, I was sitting there with a frown. I was really eager to run back to where the pigeons were, because pigeons are the and steal one. I learnt a lot of fascinating things about the native birds, trees and animals. I enjoyed going to the zoo, it was phenomiNIALL and I hope we get to go there again. But, with a bigger smile on my face.
But, when it came to the sad part [[sad face]] when we had to go home, I was sitting there with a frown. I was really eager to run back to where the pigeons were, because pigeons are the and steal one. I learnt a lot of fascinating things about the native birds, trees and animals. I enjoyed going to the zoo, it was phenomiNIALL and I hope we get to go there again. But, with a bigger smile on my face.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
❤ My Scary Interview ❤
Today I had an interview with my teacher at 3 way conference. We do 3 way conference EVERY year so that our parents will know about how we are learning and what we are like in class and school. Well, when I had my interview, my teacher was talking about how I am like in the class. She told my mother that I'm a lovely person, but I'm not the same person I was last year. I'm usually very bubbly, but this year I'm.... down. I keep telling myself to keep smiling and be the bubbly person that you were born to be ! Not to have negative thoughts, but positive. I'm trying my best to justify that by being lively, giddy, gleeful and cheerful. So far, I'm doing well. I think ? It was really cool today. I enjoyed being with my teacher and telling my mother about everything and I wish that I will be the most confident, joyful person EVER. And that hopefully, I would achieve all my goals for this term, next term, and the other term. In fact, the whole year !
❤ That Story From Ages Ago ❤
Today I was reading 'Magda the Mammoth Hunter'. I know I already read this story, but it's too interesting. The story is an interesting story because it talks about Magda the Mammoth Hunter and how she hunts down mammoths. A mammoth is a large extinct elephant that's typically hairy with sloping back and long curved tusks. Some bits were confusing, some bits were hilarious and some bits were a bit weird. I learned interesting words and hope to learn a lot more.
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