After listening to them explain what they had to explain, we got into dancing. The first move was called open the door. That move was easier than you thought. All you had to do is glide to the side and pretend you’re opening a door. The second move was the brush. The third move was the grandpa clock. The fourth one was like a Chris Brown move. The fifth move was the poses. The last move was a tensing move. When we learned all those moves we put them together and we danced to the song Boom Boom by Justice Crew. It was really fun.
After all that hard work we had a dancing competition. The boys verses the girls. Each group had a leader. Our leader was Brinix. The boys’ leader was Siupeli. Unfortunately the girls lost because the boy were better. They all danced properly, knew the moves, and had fun. But us, we just stood there not knowing what to do.
At the end of the session, we had to leave. It was a bit upsetting because we had a lot of fun at our first lesson and then we didn’t wanna go. But we had to, the other class was already here. We said bye to our instructor and left the hall. We all couldn't wait for next week.