I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teachers are Mrs Raj and Mrs Parker.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Our Fun Last Day At ICT....:(

Thursday, 29 August 2013
"Where No Boat Could Live"
1. Where is Chatham Island, and what is the weather like there?
Answer:Chatham island is in New Zealand, and the weather there is quite dangerous.
2. Who were the first people to arrive there? How did they get there?
Answer:The first people to arrive there were the Moriori. They got there in huge double-hulled canoes.
3. How did the Moriori live? Give some example of what they did to survive?
Answer:They travelled to find some food. Most of the food were food they have never eaten.
4. What is a wash - through waka? What was it used for?
Answer:A wash through waka is a waka that could carry heavy loads and a large number of people.
5. Why were the waka korai and the waka paging so special?
Answer:They were special because both the waka korari and the waka pahi were perfectly suited to the local conditions, even though visiting European sailors thought the smaller waka looks like wheelbarrows.
6. What do the words ballast and capsize mean?
Answer:Ballast means heavy material, such as gravel, placed low in a vessel to improve its stability. The word capsize means (of a boat) Overturn in the water: "the craft capsized in heavy seas"; "gale-force gusts capsized the dinghies".
7. Please give a brief summary of the article.
Answer:Where the Boat Could Live is a story about the Moriori people visited the Chatham Island, and how they decided to live there, and how they survived.
8. Why were the Moriori considered backward?
Answer:I consider that the Moriori people can be very smart because they make really difficult boats, and they survive the hard way of finding food to live.
9. What do you think about the skills and designs of the Moriori and why? Please upload questions 7,8,& 9 to your blog with a picture to support your ideas.
I think the skills and the designs were made perfectly. I love the way the boats were looking. I love to see their braveness when they’re in the water finding food. They were very smart when they were building their wash-through waka.
Music Is As Important As Education!.... :)
In this school I think our principal should give us more music time.
Do you ever get tired of just singing to only two people and not let everyone see what you’re capable of?
I believe that we should have more music in this school. Instead of just dancing maybe a little more singing.
The reasons why I want more music in this school is because students learn better with music, it’s helpful, and the lyrics in a song can help us in life.
FIrst of all, we should have more music because students learn better with it and it can be good for our education. For instance, we always bring our earphones and headphones when we’re not supposed to. In addition, we barely get to do anything with music but dance. In fact, because we barely finish our work some of us, it helps us concentrate.
Second of all, it can be helpful. To begin with, we can start following our dreams and become better when we’re older. For instance, we can get rid of stage fright and shyness since we have already been singing to people. In addition, we can write good songs and write better stories in writing with the good words we know.
Finally, the last reason why is because some songs can help our lives eg. if we have a problem in the family. In addition, the lyrics helps us, when we read we can also improve in our writing. Furthermore, music is therapeutic. It means music helps people get through hard times i.e breakups, and deaths in the family.
As you can see, it is really important that have music in this school. Look around the world, people have earned their living through music. For instance Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Adele, Beyonce, Mandy Moore and so much more. Their music have given them luxury lives. I believe we should do our part too, so we can achieve following our most wanted dreams. Just imagine all of us growing becoming a better and older person. It would be perfect for all of us. Having music in life is a good thing. Without music life would be a mistake. Our lives would be mistake too if we don’t do something we want to do.
Friday, 23 August 2013
The Collage Making of Hannah
Today at ICT, we wrote about the collage of images that we found on the internet. We wrote our target
audience, our positives, and our negatives. It was really fun at ICT today. I can't wait till next week.
audience, our positives, and our negatives. It was really fun at ICT today. I can't wait till next week.
Monday, 5 August 2013
My Great Answers For Abracadabra
Birds, rabbits, carpet snakes, and on
ce a Siamese cat.
What did he do to the lady?
He cut her in half and left her on the floor in pieces.
What did Alfonso forget to say?
He forgot to say abracadabra.
What do you think is the main idea of the poem?
The main idea of the poem is what the magician did to the lady and what he pulls out of the hat.
What is the new trick the magician is training to do?
He is training the goat how to float.
Does Alfonso use complicated tricks or words in his show any more?
No he doesn't. He sticking with pulling rabbits and birds out of his hat.
Do you think the information in this poem would be useful if you wished to become a
Yes, because if you wish to cut a lady in half but then do it incorrectly then that would be a mistake.
What question would you ask Bertie?
I would ask him, “How did you forget to say abracadabra when you say it how many times when you do other magic tricks?”.
Can you think of a possible problem with teaching a goat to float?
The goat might accidently float to another dimension out of nowhere.
Can you think of a solution to Bertie’s problems?
Just incase of a problem, he might have to practice a lot.
Do you believe magician’s require much skill, practice and training?
Yes, because if he never practiced anything and he was performing it, he might’ve killed someone.
Friday, 2 August 2013
ICT Technology!!!

Our First Best Softball Lesson!
Hooray! Today was our very first softball lesson this year with some coaches from Auckland Sport. We started off with a well warming game of red light, green light. Whenever she called out “Green light” we ru
n as fast as we can, when she called out “Red light” we stop as quickly as we can to not lose, and whenever she called out “Orange light” we walk. That was how we played the game and that was our warm up. Everyone was huffing and puffing because of all that running we did. We were as tired as sleeping koalas.
After that quiet game of red light, green light, we were taught some skills. The skills we learnt was the skills we already knew, but she taught just incase we do it wrong when we’re in a game. We got into pairs and we practiced our throwing and the way of how to throw. She told the correct of standing when you’re throwing. My buddy was too afraid to do that, she just stood there throwing and catching the ball. We practiced our throwing and catching for a while.
Our instructor told us to pass the ball back and forth to each and see how many passes we did, and we weren't allowed to drop the ball. MY buddy and I kept on dropping the on our first throw we didn’t even make past five, but when kept on going and going we made past 100. We were relieved.
After that we heard the next classes footsteps stomping down the court, and we felt sad because our time was over. So we said our thank you’s, and off we went to our classroom. That softball lesson was the best first softball lesson this year.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
My Best Holiday Recount!
During movie time, we watched a very funny movie, but it was also kinda nice.The movie was about a father that had to move to Japan and work there. He didn’t want to go because he didn’t want miss his son’s birthday party, so he came back for his kids and his wife on the exact same day he went to Japan. “Hahahaha” I laughed out loud, that movie was funny. I laughed as loud as my dad being stupid.
While we were doing that, my uncles and my dad were at the back singing Samoan songs, laughing, and talking very loud. “Lalalalalalalala” my uncle’s sang a loud. My auntie’s were at the dinner table minding their own business and laughing. I thought that night there was laughing than talking, listening to music, singing, and all sorts.
It was actually a bit boring that night, except for the movie bit. We did a lot of fun stuff and that was the fun bit. When I heard my dad calling my name saying “Hannah, Hannah, Hannah!. It’s time to go home!!!”, I felt sad because I wanted to do a more fun stuff, but then “Nooo”. At least we got a to do a bit of fun that night. It was the best night ever.
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