The sky becomes dark and the clouds turn black. “What’s happening” says Frankie. “I have no idea” says Kyme. While the
y were at the park playing with some bark, suddenly this happens. As Frankie was swinging on the swing she hears someone whispering her name saying “Frankie, Frankie, Frankie”. That was the most spookiest thing ever. Kyme was more frightened when she looked behind someone or something when zoom right across her face. None of them knew what was going on. “Are we going to get kidnapped?” says Frankie while she was shivering with fright. “I don’t know, Frankie, I think it’s just some Karma happening to someone around here, so it’s no biggy”
says Kyme.
Suddenly they hear a sound coming from behind. “You will never find out who I am” says the spooky sound. “This is just a trick. I know it’s you Dave” says Kyme. “No it’s not Dave, by the way Dave isn’t a part of your life anymore. I’ve taken him somewhere far from here”. Then they hear Dave's voice shouting “Help me, help me, help me!”. “Dave is that you?, what did you do to him, DAVE, DAVE, DAVE where are you?!!!” shouted Kyme.
While Kyme was on her knees bursting her tears out, she thought about Frankie but Frankie wasn’t there. “Frankie, where are you?” cried Kyme. Kyme walks about in the park searching her eyes out for Frankie. “Frankie!!!” shouts Kyme. Suspiciously Kyme saw that spooky thing go zoom past her face again. “Is that you, Frankie?”. “No it’s me” says the mysterious voice. “Frankie is safe here with me and Dave”. “They will come back to after answer all my questions, then you will be next Kyme”.
After a while Kyme fell asleep on a platform of grass nearby the park. The sun came out and it was shining as bright as ever. Kyme woke up with a fright and she saw that she was lying on top of her bed with her soft, wooly blanket on her. As she woke she quickly thought about her best friend Frankie and her little brother Dave. She quickly ran into Dave’s room to check if he was there. He was fast asleep not even think about waking up to see who was at the door. She ran back to her bedroom, called Frankie and there she was at home lying in bed. “Hi Frank, are you alright?” asks Kyme. “Of course, why?” says Frankie. “Oh um, nothing I’m alright. Bye!” shouts Kyme.
While Kyme was at the kitchen she thought about what happened last night, but it was only just a dream. So she wondered and said to herself “What if that really happened in real life?”. She didn’t stop thinking about it. She grew up still thinking about the same thing. She couldn’t even do her homework or anything else. So Kyme just went on with her life and tried to forget about. So on she became storyteller and shared her dream in a book she wrote, and lived her life with joy.