The special thing I have learnt from my teacher this year was maths. I learnt a lot of new things from her.
The significant thing I have learnt all by myself was Maths Whizz. It was challenging but also fun.
What I have learnt from my friend was to always take the right path and to never give up. TRY YOUR BEST!
I have also been learning from some people outside of the classroom. They told me not to copy the bad things some of my frineds do, "Just be yourself" they told me.
I have helped other kids by becoming a Peer Mediator, When I became a P.M, I helped people out when they are in fights.
I have grown my key competencies by becoming a school leader and also becoming a school councillor.
Having a netbook connected to the internet helped me access my learning on our school/class blog sites writing templates, sunshine online, maths whizz, study ladder, and other learning topics. The internet has been really useful and helpful to me. I prefer working on my netbook instead of pencil and paper. Using my netbook has helped me learn, create, and share my work. I'm also able to think, manage myself by learning anywhere, anytime, any place.
I am a Year 8 student at Glenbrae School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 10 and my teachers are Mrs Raj and Mrs Parker.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Thursday, 5 December 2013
My Awesome Day At DANCE FEVER!!!!
Today, our morning was really fun. We had another awesome day at Dance Fever. In the morning, we were told that they will be running late so we finished off some work from yesterday. As we were doing our work, another message was told to us and they said that Captain and Christina made it here and it was time to shake. It was raining cats and dogs outside so we had to run for our lives. When we got there, Captain was set and ready to jingle. We all made our ways inside and waited for our instructions. “Everyone,
we are going to start off with our Foxtrot routine” said Captain and Christina. But before we could dance, they showed us how to walk in before we dance. Us girls, we use our peacock feathers with one arm up in the air like a ‘girly girl’ with one lazy finger and the boys show off their peacock feathers. We went through that for some time and then we went on to dancing. We practiced without the music first, as usual. They wanted to check our movements and how we danced before the music was played. They would walk around to check up on us and then played the music. The song that was played was a song from Chris Brown, one of our favourite singers. We kind of fangirled, but it’s a part of life. You know? Anyways, we danced to that song until it was finished and then they would play it again. Until, we were finally DONE!
Our next routine was the Cha Cha! We found our own space with our partners and then we dance in that spot. We danced without the music, again. “5, 6, 7, 8!” counted Christina. We were dancing to the instructions that Christina was saying through the microphone. “Moving to the left, left, right, left, other foot” said Christina. It went on and on and on. Christina stopped us a couple of times because of how we were dancing. Our energy was really low. They demonstrated it to us perfectly and then we were on the stage of doing it just like how they did it. They did the same thing. Walk around checking up on us and then they play the music if we are PERFECT. The song was from a New Zealand singer, Aaradhna. The song was really fast so it was a bit hard to catch up. My partner and I were really confused because of how fast the song was going. We were also laughing at our wrong moves and enjoying ourselves. That went on until the best part of the day came, Hip Hop.
The Hip Hop routine was my favourite routine. It was really catchy, groovy, and funny. Some of the moves were funny and cool at the same time. We walked into our cannon lines and got ready to put our attitude on. Boom Boom by Justice Crew was played and we were shifting from this move to that move. The music was fast but funny. Some moves we didn’t really know how to do but we just acted like we knew it. “Boom Boom, it’s getting HOT in here!” the song sang as we had fun dancing to the music. It was downhill from there. We had some time at the end to do a little fun dance. GANGNAM STYLE, BABY!!! We did the same dance that we did last week. The weird but funny and groovy dance. We did that dance until it was time to leave. I was sad when we had to leave. We all said CATCH YOU LATER CHRISTINA and LATERS CAPTAIN!. We skipped back to class and got ready to learn. I can’t wait until next week.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Reading Activities...... :D
“Your Amazing Heart”
1. Your heart beats faster when you exercise a lot. Your heart beats faster to get more oxygen.
2. My heart is like any other muscle because it needs exercise. My heart needs to always be healthy. If it’s not healthy then I need to exercise to make it healthy.
“Mighty Muscles”
1. Sprinters, weightlifters, and gymnasts. They all use muscles in different ways. They are different because they’re muscles do and exercise in different ways. Sprinters need they’re muscles to make them run faster. They need the muscles on their legs. Weightlifters need the muscles on their arms to help them lift heavy things. Gymnasts needs everything in their body. They need their flexibility.
Basketballers use the exact same muscles the sprinters and weightlifters use. Basketballers need their legs to run faster and they need their arms to shoot a try, bounce, and past the ball. We only use our muscles in the way they use theirs when we are going for a run or playing a game.
2. When you make a ham and lettuce the muscles that you need are your hands, wrists, biceps and triceps when you cut it and so on. It takes a lot of muscles to do one simple thing.
“Building A Healthy Body”
1. The kinds of food that provide us with good are fruit and vegetables. They have protein, carbs, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. It’s important to eat one more than the other because one is healthier than the other.
2. When athletics at school is going to take place in two months I would prepare earlier. I will exercise my best and eat healthier. What I have learnt about building a healthy body is that the things that you eat may look healthy when they’re not. For example, white bread. White bread is too plain. It’s not really healthy for us. Brown bread is better.
3. The right kind of drink for body is clean water. Water has more oxygen in it. Drinking too much fizzy drink is really really bad for you. Fizzy drinks has too much fat in it. The fat in it is too unhealthy. It doesn’t have any protein or carbs in it. Fizzy drinks can get you fat. You can lose a leg when you drink too much coke.
“Racing The Bell”
1. My favourite breakfast is cereal and milk. The reason why is because I love cereal and milk. I have cereal and milk when there is really nothing to eat.
2. When I skipped breakfast once, it made me feel empty inside. I noticed that when I play a game, I felt lazy and didn’t want to do anything. My energy was boring and it wasn’t that high.
3. The effects on Kate missing breakfast was....serious. She really wanted breakfast but she chose the wrongs things to eat for breakfast. Instead of a piece of fruit, she decided to have a fizzy drink and bag of chips. She might have to eat a lot better and healthier. She could have avoided this if she had eaten breakfast earlier.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Dance Fever....! ! !
After listening to them explain what they had to explain, we got into dancing. The first move was called open the door. That move was easier than you thought. All you had to do is glide to the side and pretend you’re opening a door. The second move was the brush. The third move was the grandpa clock. The fourth one was like a Chris Brown move. The fifth move was the poses. The last move was a tensing move. When we learned all those moves we put them together and we danced to the song Boom Boom by Justice Crew. It was really fun.
After all that hard work we had a dancing competition. The boys verses the girls. Each group had a leader. Our leader was Brinix. The boys’ leader was Siupeli. Unfortunately the girls lost because the boy were better. They all danced properly, knew the moves, and had fun. But us, we just stood there not knowing what to do.
At the end of the session, we had to leave. It was a bit upsetting because we had a lot of fun at our first lesson and then we didn’t wanna go. But we had to, the other class was already here. We said bye to our instructor and left the hall. We all couldn't wait for next week.
My Guided Inquiry Project....! ! !
My Reading.... ! ! !
1. Recall
Give a brief summary of the story.
The story is about a girl called Sally was a BMX rider for not that long and she is already enjoying it.
2. Infer
What kind of a person is Sally Davies? Tell why you think this.
Sally Davies is a competitive person. She is really competitive. She doesn’t care about who she is racing. But she does want more girls in club to make more competitive.
3. Evaluate
Explain why you think the author entitled the story as “Pumping Pedals”
I think the author entitled the story as “Pumping Pedals” because the story is about BMX biking.
4. Think about it
Why do you think Sally would like to attract more girls to the sport of BMX racing?
She wants more girls out there in the track because she wants more competition.
5. Recall
How are the bikes designed and what are they made of?
The top models are made of light-weight aluminium, titanium, or carbon fibre. They’re smaller than mountain bikes, with a very slow saddles, so you have to stand all the time while racing. They have small wheels with thick, chunky tyres. The bikes have only one gear, so a rider’s legs spin around really fast, and there’s only brake at the back.
6. Think about it.
Why did Sally groan as she remembered her first racing bike?
She groaned because it was a freestyle bike and so heavy, with huge tyres. Her new bike is much better.
7. Please explain the racing technique called “pumping” and why it might be important?
It might be because you have to use your legs to pump the pedals.
8. Do you think BMX racing is a dangerous sport. Tell why or why not you think this.
I think this sport can be dangerous because you can hurt yourself badly and can be in a comma.
9. Synthesize
Please tell what you liked most about the story and why or why not you would like to be a BMX racer.
I would like to be a BMX racer because it’s fun. I’ve always been a fan of bike riding. And I would like to try it out on an actual racing track.
10. Design a flyer to attract and introduce new riders to the sport. Be sure to tell when and where it meets and what equipment is required. When you are finished please upload to your blog.
Thursday, 5 September 2013
MY Great Answers For Reading...:P
What did Phil love when he was a boy?
Answer:He loved playing with toy trucks.
What is a dirt bank?
Answer:A dirt bank is a bank full of dirt.
What did Phil do when he left school?
Answer:When Phil left school he got a job driving a 50-tonne bulldozers and a 80-tonne motor scraper for a road-building company.
How many diggers does Phil own?
Answer:Phil owns only four diggers.
How many people work for Phil?
Answer:Phil only has two diggers.
Why did Phil get tired of seeing other people’s names on the side of the truck?
Answer:He was tired of it because he has always wanted his own name on the side of a truck of his own.
Does Phil work long hours?
Answer:Phil works long hours.
Answer:He works long hours because he works 8-10 hours a day.
What safety gear do the workers wear?
Answer:The workers wear steel-capped boots, hard hats, and bright-coloured vest for safety.
Why is it important to wear these?
Answer:They wear that to be safe.
On page 24-25 parts of the machines and its functions are listed. Write down each part and explain what it does.
3.Root Rake
4.Rock Breaker
Phil is looking for more employees. Apply for the job and write a letter to Phil telling him about you and what you can do for the job.
To Phil:
I would really to take a job as your worker. I can help you with things you would like help with. I can follow rules you have made. I can do jobs exactly the way you want me to. I sometimes like to ride trucks. When my dad was a truck driver he would take me with him and we would ride around in the truck when I was little. I think I would be great to be your worker. I am really confident, even though I am shy. I can probably help you out with high shelves because of my height. I would love it you would let me apply for the job.
Yours sincerely
HannahFriday, 30 August 2013
Our Fun Last Day At ICT....:(

Thursday, 29 August 2013
"Where No Boat Could Live"
1. Where is Chatham Island, and what is the weather like there?
Answer:Chatham island is in New Zealand, and the weather there is quite dangerous.
2. Who were the first people to arrive there? How did they get there?
Answer:The first people to arrive there were the Moriori. They got there in huge double-hulled canoes.
3. How did the Moriori live? Give some example of what they did to survive?
Answer:They travelled to find some food. Most of the food were food they have never eaten.
4. What is a wash - through waka? What was it used for?
Answer:A wash through waka is a waka that could carry heavy loads and a large number of people.
5. Why were the waka korai and the waka paging so special?
Answer:They were special because both the waka korari and the waka pahi were perfectly suited to the local conditions, even though visiting European sailors thought the smaller waka looks like wheelbarrows.
6. What do the words ballast and capsize mean?
Answer:Ballast means heavy material, such as gravel, placed low in a vessel to improve its stability. The word capsize means (of a boat) Overturn in the water: "the craft capsized in heavy seas"; "gale-force gusts capsized the dinghies".
7. Please give a brief summary of the article.
Answer:Where the Boat Could Live is a story about the Moriori people visited the Chatham Island, and how they decided to live there, and how they survived.
8. Why were the Moriori considered backward?
Answer:I consider that the Moriori people can be very smart because they make really difficult boats, and they survive the hard way of finding food to live.
9. What do you think about the skills and designs of the Moriori and why? Please upload questions 7,8,& 9 to your blog with a picture to support your ideas.
I think the skills and the designs were made perfectly. I love the way the boats were looking. I love to see their braveness when they’re in the water finding food. They were very smart when they were building their wash-through waka.
Music Is As Important As Education!.... :)
In this school I think our principal should give us more music time.
Do you ever get tired of just singing to only two people and not let everyone see what you’re capable of?
I believe that we should have more music in this school. Instead of just dancing maybe a little more singing.
The reasons why I want more music in this school is because students learn better with music, it’s helpful, and the lyrics in a song can help us in life.
FIrst of all, we should have more music because students learn better with it and it can be good for our education. For instance, we always bring our earphones and headphones when we’re not supposed to. In addition, we barely get to do anything with music but dance. In fact, because we barely finish our work some of us, it helps us concentrate.
Second of all, it can be helpful. To begin with, we can start following our dreams and become better when we’re older. For instance, we can get rid of stage fright and shyness since we have already been singing to people. In addition, we can write good songs and write better stories in writing with the good words we know.
Finally, the last reason why is because some songs can help our lives eg. if we have a problem in the family. In addition, the lyrics helps us, when we read we can also improve in our writing. Furthermore, music is therapeutic. It means music helps people get through hard times i.e breakups, and deaths in the family.
As you can see, it is really important that have music in this school. Look around the world, people have earned their living through music. For instance Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Adele, Beyonce, Mandy Moore and so much more. Their music have given them luxury lives. I believe we should do our part too, so we can achieve following our most wanted dreams. Just imagine all of us growing becoming a better and older person. It would be perfect for all of us. Having music in life is a good thing. Without music life would be a mistake. Our lives would be mistake too if we don’t do something we want to do.
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